the vision of cara harjes art
As a passionate artist, teacher, and coach, I boldly curate safe, inspiring, cozy connections and experiences through making and sharing original artwork, leading workshops and retreats, and engaging in empowering and healing one-one-one conversations with my clients.
Imagine walking into a creative space designed to dazzle your senses. You immediately feel cozy and safe; you let your guard down and you exhale, like really exhale. Maybe for the first time in days. You take off all of the heavy cloaks you wear during any given day. You’re stripped down, but you’re not naked - you are adorned in your passion, truth, and pure brilliance!
You’re free. Free to question. To wonder. To be curious. You’re supported. Protected. Invited. You’re free - free to be amazed and to be amazing!

about cara
After years of floating through life as a deeply creative being with a rich inner life, but without an expressive outlet, Cara’s late husband Herb asked her to make a painting for him the Christmas of 2009. Without much of an art background, she bought a canvas and went for it. From there, Cara was propelled into a world of color, texture, and deep feelings that she could have only dreamt existed when she was a little girl in the back of her mom’s wood-paneled minivan. And that very first painting? Well, it still hangs in her kitchen.
Once she discovered she was an artist and slipped into her authentic self, the next steps became clear to Cara: empower other women to discover and rediscover their creative parts (we all have them!) and to embrace and express their truest selves! Intuitive painting became the unexpected (but now beloved) portal through which Cara teaches women to embrace every last beautiful, messy part of themselves and their one wild and precious life.
Perhaps Cara is qualified to teach intuitive painting because she has been an avid student and self-taught intuitive painter since 2010. Or maybe it's the ten years prior to that during the early 2000s in which she spent working as a psychotherapist with a Master’s Degree in Counseling that gives her a platform for empowering, supporting, and nurturing women while challenging them to be the truest versions of themselves. It could even be the years of picking the perfect playlist, arranging on-point charcuterie boards, and hosting kickass parties with her late husband, Herb, where people let their hair down, which ultimately led Cara to create Cara Harjes Art. No matter her background or inspiration, Cara's art and and all of her course offerings are her ultimate gift to the world.
It is her gift to you.